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Gus Dur Biography

Kyai Haji Abdurrahman Wahid, known as Gus Dur was born in Jombang, East Java, on 7 September 1940 from the couple Wahid Hasyim and Solichah. He was born with the name Abdurrahman Addakhil or "the Conqueror", and then more fondly known as Gus Dur. Gus Dur is the first son of six children from a very respectable family in the Muslim community of East Java. Grandfather of his father is
K.H Asyari Hashim, the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), while his maternal grandfather,
KH Bisri Syansuri, is the first boarding school teacher who teaches a class on women. Gus Dur's father, K.H. Wahid Hasyim, was involved in the nationalist movement and became Minister of Religious Affairs in 1949. His mother, Mrs. Hj. Sholehah, is the daughter of the founder of Pondok Pesantren in Jombang Denanyar. In addition to Gus Dur, his brother Gus Dur is also a figure of national leaders At the time of his father diangkan became Minister of Religion, Gus Dur join move to Jakarta and went to primary school before moving to SD KRIS Matraman Perwari. His education continued in 1954 at Junior High School and not the next grade, but not because of intellectual problems. His mother then sent to Yogyakarta to continue their education. In 1957, after graduating from junior high school, he moved to Magelang to study at boarding school Tegalrejo. He developed a reputation as a gifted pupil, graduated from boarding school within two years (should be four years). In 1959, Gus Dur Tambakberas moved to boarding school in Jombang and get his first job as a teacher and head of the madrassa. Gus Dur is also a journalist and magazine Horizon Culture Jaya. In 1963, Wahid received a scholarship from the Ministry of Religious Affairs to study at Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, but did not finish due to the criticality of his mind. Gus Dur and then studied at the University of Baghdad. Although initially neglected, Gus Dur can finish his education at the University of Baghdad in 1970. He went to Holland to continue his education, to study at the University of Leiden, but disappointed that his education in Baghdad under-recognized here. Gus Dur and then went to Germany and France before returning to Indonesia in 1971. Abdurrahman returned to Jakarta and joined the Institute for Research, Education and Economic and Social Affairs (LP3ES), an organization which consists of a progressive Muslim intellectuals and social democrats. In January 1998, Gus Dur was attacked stroke and was rescued by a team of doctors. However, as a result of health condition and the vision the President to-4 is deteriorating. In addition to its stroke, his health problems allegedly caused by hereditary factors also caused a close blood relationship between her parents. In the early 1980s, Gus Dur plunge care of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) after three times ditawarin by his grandfather. In recent years, Gus Dur NU managed to reform the body so as to make his name more and more popular among NU. At the National Congress of 1984, Gus Dur was asked as Chairman of the NU. During his first term, Gus Dur focus in reforming the educational system succeeded in improving the quality of schools and boarding school education system so that it can compete with secular schools. And finally on December 30, 2009, Gus Dur died of illness complications and was buried in Jombang, East Java. Congratulations Gus Way, may appear Gus Gus Dur Dur-bari capable of thrilling the world. Amen
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